Who are we ?

We are a group of diverse and committed Iranian academics and activists. The group consists of political scientists, legal scholars, Iran experts, financial experts, and natural scientists. We always strive for full independence and transparency and do not represent any party, group, ethnic group, religion, organization, or any other kind of association.

woman life freedom Iran flag
woman life freedom Iran flag


How do we work?

Our work consists of the following activities:

  • Establish a comprehensive democratic constitution.  
  • To provide knowledge and and awareness on secular democracy. 
  • Creation of a network of influential Iranians committed to democracy in order to contribute to the objective mentioned in paragraph 2. 
  • Creation of a network with Iranian lawyers in various countries in order to coordinate the available resources and to promote the objectives mentioned here. 
  • We are open to cooperation with other groups in Switzerland and in other countries, in particular in Iran, for optimal coordination of activities and expertise in order to achieve the goals mentioned here.  

Would you like to support our goals?

In order to bring about a legitimate basis and ready acceptance of the constitutional proposal published here, you can contribute to the peaceful transformation to an independent, secular and democratic Iran by publicizing it. Furthermore, there is the possibility to support us financially.We always strive for full independence and transparency and do not represent any party, group, ethnic group, religion, organization or any other kind of association.

woman life freedom in front of azadi tower


woman life freedom in front of azadi tower


How do we fund ourselves?

Our activities, especially the follow-up costs associated with the drafting of the constitution, are to be financed in the near future to cover costs by means of public fundraising. Follow-up costs include translation, editing, events, and the use of technical services. In order to prevent influence, larger contributions or donations from certain organizations may be rejected.

A short overview about the key features of a democracy

You can support the secular democracy!

You can visit the following page to support our vision for the iran secular democracy. This is the official fundraising for the ISD project.